Conveniently portable mobility scooter
The SupaScoota Sport XL can be disassembled into five lighter and smaller components for easy transportation, with the heaviest component at only 12.6 kg. Fold the compact Sport XL after disassembly or place your portable mobility scooter into your car or an aeroplane. While the standard 24V SLH batteries are not flight-safe, users can opt for the travel-friendly 24V 15 Ah Lithium batteries. Performing with twin 180 W motors, the Sport XL supports your independence over off-road terrains.
Adjust to your preference
Alter the height of the tiller to best suit your arm-length and comfort. The Sport XL comes with flip-up armrests which allow users to turn their legs to the side for an effortless transfer when standing and sitting. The armrests have an adjustable width to accommodate larger hips and allow users to feel snug in their mobility scooter.
Comfort with a larger wheelbase and suspension
The frame of the wheelbase accommodates individuals who prefer a generous legroom for the comfort of their joints and leg muscles. The Sport XL is 110 cm long and 60 cm wide, effectively supporting the majority of individuals. Performing with a maximum weight capacity of 125 kg, the Sport XL provides longevity and durability with larger weights.
Our Verdict
The SupaScoota Sport XL is a portable mobility scooter with suspension for smoother journeys and an optional travel-friendly battery; most ideal for individuals who want a good mix of portability, stability and extra leg room.
Catering to larger individuals, the SupaScoota Spartan Li Mobility Scooter is another portable mobility scooter similar to the Sport XL designed to support up to 200 kg. Similarly, the Spartan can also be dismantled into five lighter components, leaving the heaviest part at just 12.2 kg. The Spartan is an excellent option for heavier individuals looking for a portable mobility scooter with stability and performance at greater weights. The SupaScoota Sprint Li is a lighter alternative to Spartan with the heaviest component weighing 10.2 kg while still supporting up to 127 kg. Users who prioritise cost and portability can consider the SupaScoota MicroLite, which only disassembles into three parts and folds into an exceptionally compact size. The heaviest part of the three parts is only 11.8 kg and is the cheapest among all the scooters in consideration, making the MicroLite the most cost-effective option. However, the SupaScoota MicroLite has a maximum weight capacity of 95.2 kg; the Spartan, Sprint and Sport XL provide greater performance with heavier weights.
Overall, the SupaScoota Sport XL is a portable mobility scooter distinguished by its extra leg room, foldability and stability off-road with full suspension.