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The Exopulse Mollii Suit

Experience a life with greater muscle functionality and freedom from muscle spasticity. Explore the Mollii suit with a two-week free trial before committing to your purchase.

What is the Mollii suit?

Marking an innovation, the Exopulse Mollii suit is a set containing a jacket and a pair of trousers made of synthetic fabric with 58 electrodes built into the clothing. The electrodes send gentle stimulation towards the central nervous system to relax overactive muscles and stimulate muscles with low tone. The suit reduces the effects of muscle spasticity which improves bodily coordination, spasms, motor function disorders, fatigue, chronic pain, and the effectiveness of ongoing therapy for individuals with spasticity. 

With the Mollii suit, patients can experience daily relief at home with a non-invasive and drug-free approach to muscle spasticity. 

Who is the Mollii suit for?

The Exopulse Mollii suit is designed for adults and children who experience muscle spasticity as a symptom of neuromotor conditions or injuries. Muscle spasticity is a motor disorder that causes muscles to contract and is a characteristic of many neurological disorders, including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke, and Cerebral Palsy (CP). By sending electro-stimulation to prompt relaxation in antagonistic muscles, the Molli suit relieves patients with neurological disorders involving muscle spasticity. 

For optimal improvement, the Mollii suit is best used in conjunction with physiotherapy, rehabilitation programmes and other types of therapy. The suit is not suitable for people with magnetic medical devices such as a pacemaker.

How does the Mollii suit work?

Our muscles synchronously work in groups by contracting and relaxing. To improve coordination of affected muscle groups, the electrodes send gentle electrostimulation to the antagonistic muscle groups of the spastic muscle groups. For instance, if your bicep is overreactive, stimulation will be sent to the antagonistic muscle, the tricep. By activating the tricep, the bicep experiences relief from spastic contraction. By stimulating specific muscle groups, the suit improves muscle control, relieves pain, improves coordination, manages posture and improves symptoms of muscle spasticity. 

By improving muscle control and coordination, patients can develop functional independence for movement-related activities such as cooking, walking in a park and getting dressed. 

Each suit will be programmed by our clinical assessor according to the user’s health condition and physiology. The Mollii suit will only need to be worn for approximately an hour daily and the effects last up to 48 hours.

What to expect during the assessment

Before taking home your own Mollii suit, the suit is first tailored by a clinical assessor to best support your health condition and anatomical measurements. 

During an assessment, a clinical assessor will programme the electrodes according to your needs to tailor the suit to your health condition. The clinical assessor will be a trained therapist who will evaluate your pain, range of motion, muscle strength and tone. To evaluate your condition, the assessment will consist of tests to examine your balance, strength and muscle tone. The whole process can take up to 2 hours.

After-care with our clinical assessor 

A clinical assessor will schedule regular follow-up visits to tailor the suit to your needs and accommodate for any potential changes in your neuromotor condition over time. 

During the follow-up visits, the patient will discuss their experience with the Mollii suit and the assessor will identify areas to optimise the suit. Your health condition can change over time, for example, you might develop greater upper body strength in response to therapy and the suit. The follow-up visits will allow the assessor to programme the suit to effectively provide relief at every stage. 

The clinical assessor will check in with you every 2-5 months depending on your health condition. 

If you have a prescriptive powerchair provided by us, we will also fine-tune the powerchair to optimise the effectiveness of your powerchair as your physiology and health change with the Mollii suit.

Try the suit

Enjoy a two-week free trial for the Exopulse Mollii suit. The initial assessment with a clinical assessor could take up to 2 hours. An assessment in our private clinical room costs £250. If you have difficulty travelling, we provide assessments in the comfort of your home at £500.

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