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Wheelchair Handbikes

Wheelchair Handbikes are power add-ons to get you around faster and further, on more challenging terrain than you could manage self-propelling. They also reduce the strain on the body, doing most of the hard work for you. At Wheelfreedom, we provide a range of manual, hybrid and powered handbikes suitable for a variety of active wheelchairs.

A handbike is an add-on that can be attached to the front of your wheelchair, lifting the front castors off the ground to help with challenging terrain, whilst providing an easy power boost. They are designed for wheelchair users to provide additional independence and freedom to go further and faster with ease.

At Wheelfreedom, we have a vast range of Handbikes available for active wheelchairs, many of which are available at our flagship showroom. Whether you desire wheelchair rental or wish to purchase one outright, you can test these Handbikes out beforehand.

Different Types of Wheelchair Handbikes

There are different types of wheelchair handbikes, including Powered, hybrid and manual handbikes. Generally speaking, powered handbikes are the most popular choice for customers for their ease of use and ability to travel a lot faster. They are extremely convenient which explains why they are the most common type of handbike available on the market.

Powered Handbikes

Powered handbikes are the most popular choice. These are motor powered through a lithium ion battery for effortless driving. This is operated through an acceleration mechanism which is usually located on the handbike handles, similar to a motorcycle. We stock many powered wheelchair handbikes from several popular and trusted brands. Our best selling powered handbike is Triride's Special Compact HT.

Manual Handbikes

Manual handbikes are manually operated to get to places faster. These are most suitable for those who wish to continue exercising with the option to go on longer trips without the need of conventional self-propelling. Instead, you will use your hands an arms to pedal yourself further. An example of a manual handbike that we stock is Triride's Manual Tribike which is lightweight, compact and easy to handle.

Hybrid Handbikes

Hybrid handbikes provide powered assistance to manual operation. This allows you to receive the health benefits of manual cycling without the risk of feeling fatigued, giving you an extra push. Hybrid handbikes are particularly useful for driving on an incline so you don't have to do all of the work. Our most popular hybrid handbike is Triride's Hybrid Tribike which has assistive pedalling to help you get further.

Popular Handbike Brands for Wheelchairs

At Wheelfreedom, we pride ourselves on being trusted, knowledgeable, impartial, dependable and progressive. We only work with manufacturers who emulate our values to ensure our customers receive the very best quality mobility products, including handbikes. Here are some of the most popular brands of handbikes that we supply:

  • Triride - Italian made, Triride products are stylish and highly configurable. All of Triride's products aim to deliver a sense of freedom through powering manual wheelchairs. Their high quality products are their to support wheelchair users in day to day working life and in leisure time.

  • Klaxon - Klaxon products are known for creating an extremely effortless user experience with its features and the patented central linking system which connects the handbike to your wheelchair in seconds. All their products comes with cruise control and an electronic braking system designed to recover your battery life through braking.

  • Rehasense PAWS - Rehasense provide power assisted handbikes designed to fit almost every wheelchair. Their handbikes have built in motor batteries with intelligent controls. Our range of PAWS handbikes automatically connect to your wheelchair making the entire journey smooth and effortless.

  • Sunrise Medical Empulse - The Empulse range of handbikes by Sunrise Medical are more affordable than most, but are still a great add-on for active wheelchairs. We currently stock the Empulse F55 which is very popular amongst our customers.

  • Invacare Alber - With the aim to provide quality products to wheelchair users, Alber's E-Pilot is a power add-on that is designed for manual wheelchairs, lightweight active wheelchairs or standard wheelchairs providing extra power assistance.

Triride T-Rocks

The ultimate off-roader
The T-Rocks features a massive 20" FAT wheel, 1500 Watt motor, and dual batteries for a 18.6 mph top speed and 50 mile range. It cannot be beaten for performance.

Klaxon Klick Scrambler Handbike

Solution for all terrains
With a 750 W motor and 13.3-inch tyre, the Scrambler effectively tackles all terrains including grass, gravel and the city. The central linking system allows users to attach and detach their handbike in just a few seconds.

Empulse F55

Everyday value handbike
Available with two wheel sizes, the F55 is a low-cost handbike ideal for use on paved surfaces. It fits to both rigid and folding wheelchairs, and is compact and light for travel.

Rehasense PAWS City 12

All-rounder with auto-clamping
Rehasense's PAWS City features a unique clamping mechanism that doesn't leave any bracketry on your wheelchair. Both powered and manual clamping are available.

Wheelchair Handbike Demonstrations at Wheelfreedom

At Wheelfreedom, our team of assessors and specialists are here to offer impartial and knowledgeable advice to ensure you purchase a product that suits your individual needs. By visiting our showroom in Chessington, you will have the opportunity to try out some of our wheelchair handbikes in a spacious environment.

We also offer home demonstrations for those who wish to explore a couple of products in the comfort of their own home and surroundings.

If you would like to speak with a specialist or want to find out more about any of the products you have read about today, then please call 0800 025 8005.

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