Permobil M Corpus VS Powerchair

Permobil have long been considered the gold-standard of standing powered wheelchairs, with their flagship front-wheel drive F5 Corpus VS the pinnacle of standing powerchair technology. The new M Corpus VS builds on this with the same standing technology combined with a mid-wheel drive base for the ultimate levels of manoeuvrability.


Standing powerchairs such as this are built to order following an assessment with one of our Prescriptive Assessors. They are available with a wide range of customisation options, including seating, special controls, and drive performance upgrades, and these can affect the price - our Prescriptive Assessors will run through all the options at your assessment.

People needing standing powered wheelchairs will usually qualify for zero-rated VAT. If the person using the wheelchair has a permanent disability, terminal illness or chronic sickness then they will be eligible for 0% VAT. Our Prescriptive Assessors will be able to answer any questions you may have about VAT.

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