Ideal for children and teenagers that will spend longer amounts of time in a wheelchair, the cushioning offers additional comfort, while lateral supports and a headrest provide postural assistance for those with more advanced needs. The seat can be tilted from -1° to 25° helping maintain posture while increasing comfort, and the backrest can be reclined from 0° - 30°.
For those needing more advanced pressure care, the standard Floshape seat cushion can be easily removed, allowing a pressure cushion to be fitted instead. We offer a large selection of clinical pressure cushions for purchase, including the market-leading Jay and Matrx ranges.
The attendant push handles are height adjustable and come with brakes - ideal for the comfort of the person pushing the wheelchair. The Invacare Rea Azalea Minor is also fully crash tested, making it suitable for occupied transportation in a suitably adapted vehicle.