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Wheelchair Services In The News

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NHS Wheelchair Services have been in the news of late, with claims from wheelchair users that reforms to the service are taking too long. The NHS launched the NHS Wheelchair Services Improvement Programme last year, accepting that the level of service was not high enough.

Two summits have been held, and working groups established to achieve this aim; however campaigners have argued that changes are not happening fast enough. Whilst acknowledging that a larger range of wheelchairs are now available through Wheelchair Services, former chairman of the Disability Rights Commission Sir Bert Massie noted that getting an appropriate wheelchair in a timely fashion is still very "hit and miss", and depends on where you live.

Reports have highlighted cases of unsuitable wheelchairs being supplied, patients waiting months for delivery of their wheelchair, and repairs taking equally long amounts of time. As such, many people have chosen to purchase their own wheelchair to ensure they receive one that meets their needs and in a quicker time-frame.

Wheelfreedom offers an alternative to waiting, with short-term hire ideal for those wanting to get out and about in the weeks or months before their NHS wheelchair turns up. Additionally, for powered wheelchairs, we offer long-term hire of either one or three years, as well as sales and the Motability scheme, for those looking to get a wheelchair of their exact choice from a large range of products by leading manufacturers.

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