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Quickie Salsa M2 Upgrade

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Sunrise Medical has announced an upgrade to their popular new Salsa M2 powerchair, with the introduction of faster 8 mph motors and higher capacity 70 amp batteries.

Released at the end of last year, the Quickie Salsa M2 is a stylish mid-wheel drive powerchair that balances an ultra-small turning circle for indoor manoeuvrability with impressive outdoor performance. An upgrade to 8 mph motors is now available, only previously found on Sunrise Medical`s flagship Jive range, making the Salsa M2 the most affordable 8 mph powerchair we currently offer.

The high capacity 70 amp battery upgrade allows it to go further on a single charge, ideal for those making extensive use of their powerchair outdoors. For further information on the Quickie Salsa M2 or other high-end powerchairs, please call us on 0800 025 8005 to speak to a Quickie Professional.

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